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By saleshq | 01/03/2022 | 0 Comments

Social Selling Series: Part 2 – The Best Tactics

Optimising your Social Profile

Let’s face it, you’re going to find most of your prospects on LinkedIn so is crucial so if your LinkedIn profile isn’t up to scratch you’re not going to help your chances. 

  1. Firstly, You MUST have a current, hi-res profile picture. According to LinkedIn, profiles with pictures get a 40% InMail response rate.
  2. Turn your job title into a mini elevator pitch. Consider outlining; Who you help, and how you help them. For example; I help businesses save ____ by ____.
  3. Use your ‘About Section’ to reiterate your value proposition. Keep it concise, and a short sentence to provide some social proof of how you help clients achieve results. Finally, Include a concise call to action that explains why and how a buyer should reach out to you.
  4. Post useful company infographics on your page that outline how your solution works in a helpful, easy to understand way.
  5. Use the experience section to emphasise how you enabled customers to improve their business.
  6. Get recommendations from customers to increase your credibility.


Linkedin Groups

Research the profiles of your customers and prospects. What groups are they a member of, and which ones do they participate in? Join those groups and pay attention to the challenges your buyers are dealing with.

This isn’t the place to pitch your product or service, instead, add value by sharing content that is relevant and adds value to the discussions.

Social Listening Alerts

Social listening tools can help you stay on top of trends and quickly get involved in conversations online with useful insights. The good news is that there are some great free tools to help you.

Google Alerts and Mention allow you to set up notifications that keep you updated on the latest trends and news.

Pay Attention to Comments

Comments on social channels can provide a wealth of information. Posts that have high engagement tend to have a lot of comments, so you know it’s a topic of interest. By reading the comments your prospects are leaving, you can better understand them and what kind of content they enjoy or issues they’re experiencing. You can then use this to your advantage.

Share Success Stories

Testimonials are the best forms of social proof. They send strong trust signals, in addition to raising your credibility, they can be a useful tool in helping your customers relate to your products and services. Share them every chance you get.

Be Consistent

Spending hours trawling through social media channels is not the best use of your time. Setting aside a short but dedicated amount of time each week to comment and share useful, relevant content to engage with prospects consistently, can be a powerful tool that can help you establish better relationships and move prospects closer to a deal without overwhelming them.