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By saleshq | 04/10/2018 | 0 Comments

Sales HQ’s Top 5 Sales Interview Tips

You usually aren’t hired solely from your resume, so what do you do to optimise your chances in the interview?   

We have put together our top 5 interview tips to help your face to face interview as painless as possible! The video below will help to set you apart from your competition – other candidates.
Tip 1: Put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes and what they’re looking for. What experience do you have that might be suitable for that role?

Tip 2: Be confident not arrogant.  Use tonality don’t sound flat – practice this if you don’t feel confident.

Tip 3: Make sure you know your story back to front. 

  • Why are you leaving? 
  • What are you looking for? 
  • What are your best achievements? 

Hiring managers want to hear this stuff, it looks good.

Tip 4: Do your research. Make sure you understand the company and the role.  You might be asked a question and the last thing you want is to be caught out.

Tip 5: Don’t ask generic questions.  Put some thought into what you want to ask the hiring manager.  

  • What does the most successful person do in the business to get there?  
  • What are you looking for as a hiring manager?  
  • What is it like to work for this company? 

Tip 6: Ask for next steps and feedback. You may gain some valuable information when going forward for that next interview.

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