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By saleshq | 29/11/2023 | 0 Comments

Reshaping Sales Leadership: Hiring Sales Managers Who Can Inspire and Empower Their Teams

The Evolution of Sales Leadership in Australia

In the dynamic landscape of Australian business, the role of a sales manager has evolved significantly. Today’s sales managers are not just expected to drive numbers, but also to inspire and empower their teams. The most successful Australian organisations are now focusing on hiring sales leaders who embody this holistic approach. But what exactly are these companies doing to attract such talent? For instance, a study by LinkedIn shows that 70% of Australian businesses now prioritise soft skills as much as hard skills during hiring​​. This shift reflects a deeper understanding of what truly drives sales success in the modern era.

Key Traits of an Inspirational Sales Leader

But what makes a sales manager truly inspirational? Research from the University of Melbourne highlights traits such as emotional intelligence, adaptability, and a growth mindset as critical​​. These leaders do more than just instruct; they motivate and engage, creating an environment where sales teams feel valued and inspired to exceed expectations.

The Importance of Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Interpersonal and communication skills are the bedrock of effective sales leadership. Why? Because they foster a culture of open dialogue, trust, and mutual respect. In the hiring process, these skills can be ascertained through behavioural interview techniques, which delve into how candidates have navigated complex interpersonal scenarios in their past roles. This shift in the interview process is crucial in identifying leaders who can not only sell but also build relationships and trust within their team.

Why Soft Skills Translate to Hard Sales Results

According to a report by Deloitte, soft skills can increase team productivity by up to 30%​​. This statistic highlights that a leader’s ability to manage and motivate is just as important as their sales acumen. By fostering an environment of support and empowerment, sales managers can unlock the full potential of their teams.


Attracting Exceptional Sales Managers

Attracting exceptional sales managers requires a multifaceted approach, blending traditional and innovative talent acquisition techniques with a compelling company culture.

Showcasing an Engaging Company Culture

Professional Development Opportunities: Providing ongoing training and development opportunities is key. This not only helps in sharpening their existing skills but also shows a commitment to their personal and professional growth.

Work-Life Balance Commitment: Emphasising a culture that respects personal time and work-life balance is increasingly important. Initiatives like flexible working hours and mental health support can be attractive to potential candidates.

Clear Career Progression Path: Outlining clear career paths within the organisation can attract ambitious sales leaders who are looking for upward mobility and long-term growth opportunities.

Proven Talent Acquisition Techniques

Employer Branding: Developing a strong employer brand is crucial. This involves promoting the company’s values, success stories, and unique selling propositions across various platforms, including social media, company websites, and industry events.

Leveraging Employee Networks: Encouraging existing employees to refer potential candidates can be highly effective. People often know others in their field who might be a good fit and aren’t actively looking for new opportunities.

Utilising Digital Platforms and Social Media: LinkedIn and other professional networks are valuable tools for identifying and attracting top talent. Active engagement on these platforms can help in reaching out to potential candidates who may not be actively seeking new roles but are open to the right opportunities.

Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Offering an attractive compensation package, including bonuses, commission structures, and other benefits, is essential to stand out in a competitive market.

Partnering with Specialist Sales Recruitment Agencies

Access to Passive Talent: Specialist recruitment agencies have access to a pool of passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new roles but are open to the right opportunity. These candidates are often the most valuable as they bring fresh perspectives and proven success from other organisations.

Industry Expertise and Insight: These agencies often have deep insight into the sales industry and can advise on current market trends, salary benchmarks, and candidate expectations. This insight is invaluable in shaping an attractive offer and employer value proposition.

Streamlined Recruitment Process: Specialist agencies can manage the end-to-end recruitment process, ensuring that it is efficient, professional, and tailored to attract the best talent. Their expertise in candidate vetting and interviewing can also significantly enhance the quality of hire.

Building Long-Term Relationships: Developing a long-term relationship with a recruitment agency can yield ongoing benefits. They can become a strategic partner, understanding the company’s evolving needs and helping to shape its talent acquisition strategy over time.

Brand Advocacy: A good recruitment agency acts as a brand advocate, effectively communicating the company’s culture, values, and vision to potential candidates. This helps in attracting individuals whose personal and professional goals align with those of the organisation.


Uncovering the Best through Innovative Interviewing

The crux of identifying exceptional sales leaders lies in the interview process. This is where a company can truly gauge the potential of a candidate to not only meet sales targets but also inspire, lead, and foster growth within their team.The key is to ask questions that delve deep into a candidate’s experience and mindset, revealing traits like resilience, empathy, adaptability, and visionary leadership.

Probing Past Challenges and Solutions

Overcoming Adversity: Ask, “Can you describe a time when you faced a significant challenge in your sales role? How did you overcome it?” This question uncovers how a candidate perceives and handles adversity, demonstrating their problem-solving and resilience.

Turning Around Performance: A critical question is, “Tell me about a time you inherited an underperforming sales team. What steps did you take to turn it around?” This question assesses a candidate’s ability to diagnose problems, implement solutions, and inspire a team towards better performance.

Dealing with Failure: Inquire, “Can you share an experience where you failed to meet your sales targets? What did you learn, and how did you bounce back?” This question reveals their attitude towards failure and learning, crucial for fostering a growth-oriented team culture.

Fostering Team Development and Growth

Team Building: Ask, “How do you build and maintain high-performance sales teams?” This question helps you understand their approach to team building, training, and maintaining high morale.

Mentoring Skills: “Describe your mentoring style. Can you give an example of how you helped develop a team member’s career?” This probes their commitment to team growth and development, a key attribute of a leader who empowers their team.

Managing Diversity: A relevant question in today’s global market is, “How do you manage and leverage diversity within your sales team?” This addresses their ability to lead a diverse team, crucial for innovation and understanding varied customer bases.

Adapting to Change and Innovation

Embracing Change: Ask, “How have you adapted your sales strategies in response to market changes or new technologies?” This question assesses their ability to stay ahead of the curve and innovate in response to changing market dynamics.

Visionary Thinking: “What’s your vision for a modern sales force, and how would you implement it in our organisation?” This helps gauge their forward-thinking capabilities and how they plan to align it with your organisation’s goals.

Feedback and Improvement: “How do you handle constructive criticism, and can you give an example of how you’ve implemented feedback?” Understanding their approach to feedback indicates their openness to self-improvement and continuous learning.

Aligning Personal and Organisational Goals

Goal Alignment: Finally, ask, “How do your personal career goals align with the strategic objectives of our organisation?” This ensures their personal ambitions are in sync with your company’s direction and culture.

What Top Sales Managers Look for in an Employer

To retain the best sales leaders, companies must understand what these professionals seek in an employer. Beyond financial rewards, talented sales managers look for organisations where they can make a real impact, grow professionally, and feel valued and supported. 

They seek organisations that value their contributions beyond just meeting sales targets. They look for employers who invest in their development and provide them with the autonomy to innovate and drive change.

Retaining the Best Sales Leaders

Finally, retaining these sales leaders is as crucial as hiring them. This involves not just competitive compensation, but also an organisational culture that continuously challenges and engages them. Regular feedback, opportunities for growth, and recognition of their achievements are key factors in retaining top talent. Employers must focus on creating an environment that offers continuous learning opportunities and provide a clear path for career advancement.

Reshaping sales leadership in Australia is about more than just hiring the right person; it’s about fostering a culture that values and develops the unique skills of sales leaders. 

By focusing on the holistic development of sales managers, Australian organisations can empower their teams, drive sales success, and stay ahead in a competitive marketplace.

As we look to the future, the question remains: how will your organisation adapt its hiring practices to meet these evolving demands? 

How will you ensure that your sales leaders are not just driving numbers, but also inspiring and empowering their teams to achieve new heights of success?