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By saleshq | 03/05/2023 | 0 Comments

Be a Talent Magnet: 8 Steps to Hiring the Best Salespeople

Recruiting sales professionals has always been a daunting task for employers, and in 2023, it has become even more challenging in the Australian job market. The landscape of sales jobs has evolved significantly over the years, with changing dynamics and increasing competition. 

The Changing Landscape of Sales Jobs in Australia

Sales jobs are no longer just about selling products or services. Today, sales professionals are expected to possess a diverse skill set that goes beyond traditional sales techniques. They need to be adept at building relationships, understanding customer needs, analysing data, leveraging technology, and adapting to changing market trends. In addition, the rise of e-commerce and digitalization has disrupted traditional sales models, leading to a shift in the way sales professionals approach their roles.

The Need for Specialised Skills and Expertise

In today’s competitive business landscape, sales professionals need to possess specialised skills and expertise to excel in their roles. Employers are no longer looking for generalists, but rather specialists who can bring unique value to their organisations. 

For example, sales professionals who are well-versed in digital marketing, data analytics, or social media management are in high demand as companies focus on leveraging digital channels for sales and customer engagement.

Moreover, the complexity of sales roles has increased, requiring sales professionals to have a deep understanding of their industries, products, and customers. They need to be able to navigate through complex sales processes, negotiate deals, and close high-value contracts. As a result, employers are facing challenges in finding sales professionals who possess the right mix of technical expertise, industry knowledge, and interpersonal skills.

The Talent Shortage and Increased Competition

The talent shortage is a pressing challenge faced by employers in Australia, and it is particularly acute in the sales profession. According to a report by the Australian Industry Group, the sales workforce in Australia is experiencing a significant shortage of skilled workers, with 75% of employers reporting difficulty in finding suitable candidates. This shortage is further exacerbated by increased competition among employers to attract top sales talent.

In recent years, there has been a rise in demand for sales professionals across various industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and real estate. Companies are expanding their sales teams to tap into new markets, and the competition for top sales talent has intensified. 

This has led to a talent war, with employers offering attractive salary packages, incentives, and perks to attract and retain sales professionals. However, despite these efforts, finding the right sales talent has become increasingly challenging, resulting in prolonged recruitment cycles and increased costs.

The Changing Expectations of Sales Professionals

Sales professionals today have different expectations from their employers compared to previous generations. They seek meaningful work, flexibility, work-life balance, and opportunities for growth and development. They value company culture, diversity, and inclusion. They are looking for employers who invest in their professional development, provide a supportive work environment, and offer a clear career progression path.

In addition, sales professionals are increasingly focused on the impact their work has on society and the environment. They are more likely to be attracted to employers who demonstrate social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical business practices. They want to align their personal values with those of the organisations they work for. 

This shift in expectations has made it challenging for employers to attract and retain top sales talent. They need to go beyond offering competitive salaries and benefits and create a compelling value proposition that resonates with the changing mindset of sales professionals.

Furthermore, the younger generation, often referred to as millennials and Gen Z, form a significant portion of the sales workforce in Australia. These generations have unique characteristics and preferences when it comes to their careers. They prioritise work-life balance, flexibility, purpose-driven work, and opportunities for learning and growth. They are also known to be more mobile and open to changing jobs more frequently compared to previous generations. 

Therefore, employers need to adapt their recruitment strategies and align their offerings with the preferences of these younger generations to attract and retain sales professionals in today’s job market.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the job market, including the sales profession. Many businesses had to adapt to remote work and digital sales strategies due to lockdowns and social distancing measures. 

This has resulted in a shift in the way sales professionals operate and interact with customers. Virtual selling, online collaboration, and digital communication have become the new norm, requiring sales professionals to develop new skills and adapt to a rapidly changing sales landscape.

The pandemic has also caused economic uncertainties, leading to job losses, business closures, and reduced consumer spending. As a result, some sales professionals may have lost their jobs or faced reduced sales targets, leading to increased competition for available sales roles. 

On the other hand, some industries, such as e-commerce, technology, and healthcare, have experienced growth during the pandemic, leading to increased demand for sales professionals in these sectors. This dynamic and unpredictable job market has made it challenging for employers to find the right sales talent that can navigate through the uncertainties and complexities of the post-pandemic sales environment.

Overcoming the Challenges of Recruiting Sales Professionals

Despite the challenges, there are strategies that employers can adopt to overcome the difficulties of recruiting sales professionals in Australia in 2023. 

Here are 8 ideas that can help businesses attract and retain top sales talent:

1. Redefine job requirements

Instead of looking for the “perfect” salesperson who meets all the criteria, consider redefining job requirements to focus on essential skills, potential, and cultural fit. Be open to hiring candidates with transferable skills from related fields who can be trained and developed into successful sales professionals. Consider their adaptability, communication skills, and willingness to learn and grow, rather than solely relying on their past sales experience.


2. Emphasise company culture and values 

Highlight your company culture and values in your recruitment efforts. Sales professionals are increasingly seeking employers who align with their values and offer a supportive and inclusive work environment. Showcase your company’s mission, vision, diversity initiatives, and commitment to social responsibility and sustainability to attract candidates who resonate with your values.


3. Offer unique incentives and perks

In a competitive job market, offering unique incentives and perks can set your organisation apart. Consider offering flexible work arrangements, remote work options, professional development opportunities, performance-based bonuses, and recognition programs to attract and retain top sales talent. Think creatively and tailor your incentives to the preferences of the younger generations, who value work-life balance, flexibility, and continuous learning.


4. Leverage technology and data

Sales professionals today need to be tech-savvy and data-driven. Leverage technology in your recruitment process to streamline and automate tasks, and use data analytics to identify potential candidates and predict their success in sales roles. Consider using social media, online job boards, and recruitment software to expand your reach and find sales professionals who may not be actively looking for jobs but could be open to new opportunities.


5. Invest in training and development

Recognise that sales professionals may not have all the skills and knowledge needed for the rapidly evolving sales landscape. Invest in training and development programs to upskill and reskill your sales team, and offer ongoing learning opportunities to attract candidates who are eager to learn and grow in their careers. This can also help in retaining top talent by showing your commitment to their professional development.


6. Build a strong employer brand 

A strong employer brand can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining sales professionals. Ensure that your organisation’s reputation as an employer is positive, both internally and externally. Showcase testimonials from current employees, highlight success stories of your sales team, and create a positive online presence through social media and review platforms. A well-built employer brand can help you stand out in the competitive sales job market and attract the right talent.


7. Foster a diverse and inclusive workplace

 Diversity and inclusion are crucial factors that can attract and retain sales professionals in today’s job market. Create a workplace culture that is inclusive and celebrates diversity in all its forms, including gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and disability. Promote diversity in your recruitment efforts, and ensure that your organisation’s policies and practices are inclusive and equitable. Candidates are more likely to be attracted to organisations that prioritise diversity and inclusion in their workplace.


8. Offer competitive compensation packages

While compensation is not the only factor that sales professionals consider when looking for a job, it is still essential. Ensure that your compensation packages are competitive and aligned with industry standards. Conduct market research to understand the average salaries, bonuses, and commission structures in your industry and location, and offer a package that is attractive to sales professionals. Additionally, consider offering performance-based incentives to motivate and reward top performers.


Attracting and recruiting sales professionals in 2023 is undoubtedly a challenging task for Australian employers. The changing expectations of sales professionals, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the preferences of younger generations have all contributed to the complexities of the sales job market. 

Recruiting sales professionals requires a strategic approach that goes beyond traditional recruitment methods. Employers need to understand the evolving needs and expectations of sales professionals, adapt their offerings accordingly, and create a compelling value proposition that resonates with the changing mindset of sales professionals. By implementing these strategies, businesses can position themselves as attractive employers in the competitive sales job market, and build a high-performing sales team that drives revenue and business growth.

At SalesHQ we’re experts We know good salespeople can make or break your business. That’s why we’ve built our company around helping you find your ideal sales team. Get in touch today and let us help you hire the best sales talent.